As you may have noticed there has been a poll in the sidebar of this blog for a long time. The question is "What is your favorite style of underwear?". The results are all public but I would just like to report on what they are because they are quite interesting. I'd also like to compare them to a survey done by Freshpair . I'd like to note that my sample mainly was targeted at underwear enthusiasts while Freshpair just surveyed every average Joe. My poll showed that briefs were favored (584 votes) closely follwed by thongs (545 votes). Then in third came boxerbriefs (447). I was also surprised that 176 liked boxers and 84 prefer wearing nothing (this is an underwear site people!). Also 23 prefer other (what would that be?). Then in comparison to Freshpair's survey briefs were at the top (same as my poll) 41%, followed by boxerbriefs (27%) and trunks (14%), then boxers and then thongs were in last. I was a bit surprised that briefs were favored by far in both surveys. I was not too surprised about boxerbriefs being in second and third. I was surprised about the huge difference in thongs in both surveys. Well just goes to show, you never really know what your guy friends are wearing underneath until you ask (or they show).
What do you think of the results? Are they similar or different to wha t you would have predicted?