I love that scene, because it speaks to the basic motivation of why we do things. I covet, you covet, we all covet! Let’s say it together! We all covet! I’m also tangential…but anyway.
“What does brflines covet?” you may wonder. How about a sweet pair of Dirk Bikkembergs?
Dirk whozitwhatzit?
Ask yourself the following: which brand is positioned at the interface of sport and couture? Which label fuses football and fashion? If you don't know the answer, I'll tell you: Dirk Bikkembergs.

The absolute first thing that you need to do after you finish reading this review is to google the name. You’ll be opening up a pandora’s box of guy candy that will keep you busy looking for more for the next hour or so. Seriously though, their ad campaigns are beyond smoking hot, they’re molten! It’s like getting a sneak peek inside an Italian football team’s locker room and discovering that they’re all wearing super sexy underwear. As Rachel Ray would say, Yum-O!
Then, log onto the website (which is very navigable) and enjoy more guy candy. There’s also an e-store that sells items from Dirk Bikkembergs, including (insert sound of feigned shock here) underwear. And let me tell you, there’s so much underwear to covet in the e-store, about a hundred different varieties of briefs, trunks, undershirts, including the awesome golden underwear. Being a proud, briefer, I had to put on a drool bib when I saw their offering of briefs. There’s also a coquettish side to the brand, exemplified by the description of my favorites, the blue football briefs:
Cute, right? The e-store site also has some nice touches that make it a joy to navigate, like a coherent English translation, and the cool “get the look” feature. And you know the garments are going to be great quality because of the price point and the care taken just to market them.“Quintessence of virility on and off the field. These briefs prove to be perfect for active men who like the comfort of soft, extra-light microfibres. Better not leave them unattended.”
So, here’s the rub, boys. The company does not deliver to the U.S. Outrageous! There must be some kind of UN thing we can do, or I should send an appeal to the WTO. I needs me my Dirk Bikkembergs!
So, if you’re lucky enough to live in a country where your flag is just a bunch of colored bars (three or fewer) or has the union jack on it, try Bikkembergs out and let the rest of us covet your new, sporty, sexy underwear.