I went on a huge shopping spree yesterday when I got back to school... I was in the mood to get some new undies. When I shop for undies I usually have a goal. The goal for me yesterday was to get some jockstraps. The jock that I already own is this 2(x)ist All Star jock in white. I really love the feel of jocks and think they will be great for the summer! Let me tell you I ended up ordering a ton of undies!
Now we all get those emails from the different underwear stores with different sales they are having. I feel like I get at least 2 emails from different places a day. It is so tempting to just keep buying undies every time you get an email. But the rule I follow is always wait till the item you want is on sale or get it if it is under $15.
In total I ended up getting 14 pairs of underwear for $94 including all the shipping. I looked at different stores and compared all their sales and got the best price! I ordered from a total of four stores and can't wait for everything to come! This is my last big order of stuff for the summer when I'm at home. So with a haul of 5 briefs, 1 sports brief, 3 trunks, 5 jocks I think I am all set for a few months!! Just remember, underwear sites have sales all the time, make sure you pounce on the ones that will get you the most undies for you buck!!
what stores did you use for such great deals? :)
damn hot lets swap
Were these photographs taken at UMass Amherst? If I had to guess, Id say a Sylvan single? Could be North East or South West dorms though...
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