Click here for more information. This is a great deal so I suggest you act on it, now is the time.
Guys its really important for consumers to support each other when companies do not treat customers fairly I have the utmost respect for Aussiebum and Bonds and several other brands who have adequate quality control. Having purchased 2wink and received 3 pairs of appalling quality underwear I could never encourage others. The customer service was superb in print.In reality nothing. My money was wasted on what will become cleaning rags.
Anonymous, I'm sorry you've had a bad experience. Please send me an email with all the details and I'll put you in contact with someone at 2wink who can help.
Guys its really important for consumers to support each other when companies do not treat customers fairly
I have the utmost respect for Aussiebum and Bonds and several other brands who have adequate quality control. Having purchased 2wink and received 3 pairs of appalling quality underwear I could never encourage others. The customer service was superb in print.In reality nothing. My money was wasted on what will become cleaning rags.
Anonymous, I'm sorry you've had a bad experience. Please send me an email with all the details and I'll put you in contact with someone at 2wink who can help.
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