International Jock

Friday, January 27, 2006

Big Headed!

Big Headed is a new brand of underwear. They have some pretty awesome looking undies. They're line's look is large logo waist band and red ruler on the fly area. The red ruler is to measure your big head of course ;) These are really cool. They're a little expensive though at about 24.00 (plus shipping) a pair. But they are really cool. But their idea is really cool. They say that "you don't have to be buff to the bone to feel good about yourself." I think that that is a really good motto for a brand and it is so true. Shown above are their boxer briefs in black (but they also come in white). You can find many other things made by them at their website. Big headed underwear comes in boxerbriefs (above) Boxers, and boxers with a condom pouch (a bit of a rip-off on Baskit, but still cool). So go check some out and try some if you haven't already.

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