International Jock

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jock Boy Locker now accepting PayPal

PayPal is a very popular way of paying for items on the web. I know many of you have asked me which underwear sites accept PayPal because you will not pay any other way on the web (thus I've added PayPal logos next to the stores that accept PayPal in the sidebar). Jock Boy Locker has just joined the ranks of sites that accept PayPal as a payment method, so now all of you PayPal lovers can shop at JBL safely and securely. Also, PayPal has just launched a service that allows you to pay with PayPal even if a site does not accept PayPal. This is done by creating a virtual credit card (requires that you have a bank account connected to your PayPal account). This is a pretty cool service, so you might want to look into it for your future underwear payments.

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