What imageries come to mind when you think of fourth of July? Backyard Barbecue, parades, and of course the 'stars and stripes.' Every porch in America will have the USA flag waving in the wind on July 4th. You must be wondering what the connection is between underwear and the American flag.

Well, I'm not suggesting you wrap your tush with the Old Glory, that is sacrilegious in the highest order, but you can show off or hide your patriotism by getting your hands or more appropriately your bottom in one of these patriotic underwear. These come in all styles and by a variety of manufacturers.

Even the fashion designer Tommy Hillfiger has put out a couple of very tasteful renditions just in time for our nation's celebration. So get your butt in under-gear and don you red-white-blue. I will strut a pair of my own on this glorious holiday.
Happy 4th Everyone!
Kiniki.com also carries both a brief and a thong in an American flag pattern!
Nudle, where can I find the brief that you're showing?
Tim in Indy
The first one is a Magic Silk g-string. The second one is an Intimo thong. The next are tommy hilfigure boxer briefs. And then tommy hilfigure boxers. Click here to view more of Nudle's photos of stars and stripes undies. Hope that helps you Tim. Nudle can probably give you more info.
I have seen some new underwear from HOM at www.iwantpants.com look at the new Hom by night range - very nice! They seem to have a good calvin klein range too!
dude u should really have a button to goto newer posts quiker
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