Thanks to the folks over at JustJared and UndiesDrawer for this latest celebrity underwear sighting. The Disney Channel star Zac Efron from High School Musical and High School Musical 2 was recently spotted arriving at the Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood sporting these low rise-jeans. And can you believe it, he was sporting white FTL (that's Fruit of the Loom folks) briefs! Click the images for a larger size if you need proof of the brand. I would think that someone who makes that kind of money could at least wear something better than the generics. I generally admire Efron for his style, but this latest photo is just saddening. To bad his taste in underwear is not as good as his taste in other clothing. Maybe he should start reading UB for some underwear advice. But what I find interesting about this whole incident is the fact that in all other photos where his underwear is visible and in High School Musical 2 when you can see his underwear over his pants in dance numbers, he is always wearing boxers, not briefs. So maybe he was convinced by someone to go with a more supportive style and he's just wearing generics to see if he likes them.
I don't think his fashion sense is any different than any other young man his age. Perhaps he ought to be sent a few free samples of CK, 2(x)ist or cn2 so he can finally understand the differences.
maybe they were BoxerBriefs?
aaron, I would agree that his fashion is no different than any fashionable young man his age. I'm simply saying that I really like that style (although not so much the style in this photo).
anonymous, that is a possibility. Although, since there is not the seaming on the rear as is typical of boxerbriefs, I would say they are briefs.
I have to say, I think that most celebrities actually wear briefs but when they are in a case where their underwear will be shown, such as in a movie, they where boxers in stead. I feel they should wear briefs if they feel like it that way other guys who look up to celebrities will feel comfortable to wear briefs when they want to. There is nothing wrong with wearing briefs, if only people knew that most guys wear boxers because they are to ashamed or embarrassed to wear briefs. I think that it is cool that Zac Efron wears briefs, I know I can feel more comfortable wearing them now.
Anonymous, I can't agree with you more, seeing Zac and other celebrities wearing briefs, I can't resist wearing them my self. My don't wear boxers myself, I usually wear boxerbriefs, but I feel that I can feel comfortable wearing briefs now infront of my friends, like in the locker room. I wont feel as ashamed anymore. Thankyou Zac for your new fashion statment and wearing FTL white briefs, I will follow the trend. Way To Go Zac!
Me too I am going to start wearing briefs too. Nice job Zac!
It dosn't matter what kind of underwear a celebrity wears. They are just like any other person, it is all what they feel most confortable in.
I agree that many celebrities wear boxers in movies because it is what they are more comfortable in, or because it is matter of conforming to the cultural norm or cultural acceptability.
Celebrities, and all others, should feel comfortable in wearing whatever they wish to wear. It is all a matter of personal preference. That said, remember that this blog is simply a reflection of the personal opinions of the authors. Although we try to eliminate all bias, it is impossible to completely eliminate subjectivity in such a subjective and personal area.
Thank you all for your comments.
if you ask me, i think that it is fine what kind of underwear he wears, rather it is FTL, Hanes, Ck, AE, or what ever. who cares what kind of brand or type, boxers or briefs, or boxer briefs. it is fine if zac wants to wear a cheep pair of underwear that are briefs.
Zac Efron is hot in anything
i think that if a man is not afraid to wear any briefs he is a great guy.
It doesnt matter what brand he wears
he is hot in anything.
um to me that really dont LOOK like zack efron!!!!!!! and also i did some research becasue i was bored, and there was a video of him saying that he wears boxers AND breifs so sorry ppl!
anonymous, this is Zack Efron. And yes, he does wear boxers and briefs. There are photos of him sagging with boxers too, just in this one he has on briefs.
i think guys should start wearing jockstraps more often! Talk about freedom of movement and they are hot ta-boot!
iron is sooooo right, as either fashion or serious jockstrap wearers, we know you can't go wrong.
I think guys his age, of most fashions, or rather most styles where the guy is into his clothes, whether its blue chip designer wear, or skater/surfer style, the trends these days are pushing for briefs to replace the 90's trend for boxers. I SF, CA I see most younger guys whom you'd expect to wear boxers, especially the skater kids with the sag action, wearing briefs or boxer briefs, and usually white. Its become fashionable to be thin, where tight but lo-rise jeans, simple t's, and white underwear, especially briefs, and to let such be as visible as boxers were in the 90's. Personally I find the new trends to be to good to be true, thus I keep my eyes on the prize, enjoy it myself, and enjoy the sights while they last in general - for things certainly change, who would ever have thought young guys in this day and age, the same age as guys whom in the 90's had there jeans falling off and inches of boxers showing proudly, would now be proudly and fashionably sporting your basic white briefs, and not even trying to hide them - but rather dress to bring your eyes right to them. Its all good, quite good. ;)
A guy with a wedgie problem!
It's a good and interesting blog....
I think he looks great in his briefs. After seeing this photo, I went out and bought a five-pack of FTL white briefs. They are completely comfortable, even though they may not be in "fashion". Thanks Zac for starting this trend, and making me feel like I can wear white briefs with pride.
I wear briefs all the time now. I stopped in about 7th grade and started wearing boxers, but after high school decided to make the ole switcheroo back to briefs. The fit much more comfortably, and personally I think they look better. I too like to wear tight shirts and pants and sag them just a bit, and briefs just make it that much better. A lot of my friends wear briefs as well.
Alex, out of curiosity after reading your post, what age rang are you? You don't have to give your actual age because I am not trying to stalk or anything like that, but I am wondering because if you are in college, I am wondering if it is "socially acceptable" for briefs. I like wearing briefs but don't see others in the locker room wearing them. What area of the country are you from? Again I don't mean be specific, but just curious in comparison to my experience.
I don't mean to offend any of you "saggers", but if your gonna sag your pants, just don't wear them! i cannot tell you how many times i've stolen someone's pants right off them for sagging! and if your gonna ask me why, its from the time some jerk stole all my clothes and left me in the hallway wearing NOTHING but tighty whities duct taped over my head!
what does UB stand for.
UB stands for Underwear Blog. We now go by MUB for Men's Underwear Blog.
I always wear white fly front briefs. Usually vintage FTLs with the gold and blue stripes but have lots of briefs that I rotate each day. I have always liked the comfort and secure feeling of briefs. I like wearing only briefs all of the time if the weather is nice and its apropriate.
I also have a strong tighty whitey fetish.
Am I the only one?
Hi, to all of you who like white briefs, I CELEBRATE YOU. Just had this is fantasy, I would like to see Efrom´s back pic with those pants down all the way...sorry, you don´t deserve this. Anyway, FTL is all true american tradition,true to life, simple, uncomplicated as it could ever be, isn`t it? Why the prejudice? Dream of the day when white briefs rule...
noclothes: I also have a strong whitey fetish, you are not the only one.
I too enjoy wearing white briefs. Much more comfortable than anything other. I may also have a small fetish for white briefs....
I'm a middle-aged guy who's gone full circle. I have a fetish for briefs. I literaly grew up with briefs, changed to boxers in high school (10th grade), boxers, bikinis, back to boxers, boxer-briefs and now briefs, dba "tighty-whities". Nothing feels so good. Nothing LOOKS so good on a guy.
i think he is very hot. he should have a photo shoot of him in his underwear. i kinda got an underwear fetish so it would be hot to see him in some boxerbriefs
Who cares about his underwear? We were at high school together and I saw more than that after swimming... Several times...
Zane - I don't think you're alone. I think a lot of us changed to boxers in high school to fit in. And then switched back because we realized boxers really weren't all that great. I know that's what happened with me.
Anonymous - I wouldn't complain.
Anonymous - Really now? Do you care to tell us a little more about what you saw after swimming? ;)
Well, let's just say some towels and possibly some underwear was hidden...
Haha that's great!
I friend of mine was in a movie (an extra) a couple years ago. He was to take his pants off in a locker room. the wardrobe person asked him what kind of underwear he was wearing and handed him boxers as she put it "to put over the briefs" He also got a T shirt to wear and she dutifully collected the costume at the end of the day.
Briefs are awesome in high school I switched to boxers and they sucked so for college I switched back to briefs and have never gone back or done boxer briefs. guys all ages wear briefs at the gym I go to and also lots of color briefs not just white.
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