International Jock

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Any contributors?

I've been having trouble lately finding the time to blog. I really do want to but I just don't have the time to post as much as I would like to. I was wondering if there are any fellow underwear lovers out there who would like to contribute to this blog so they could also add posts. Thus we could have a collaborative blog that would hopefully get at least one post a day. Let me know by e-mail (linked at bottom of page) if you are interested. If you already have a Blogger account I'll just add you. Or you could also let me know with a comment. Hope to hear from you people soon!


Anonymous said...

I'm blogging on underwear too. Maybe we could create a network of underwear sites?

Anonymous said...

yea, that sounds like a great idea. I'll send you an e-mail.

Anonymous said...

That if i don't do it frist? Ha ha!

snipy3 said...

I'll help. E-mail me at

Nudle said...

I'll share my thirtysomething view. Contact me at