International Jock

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Packing for Vacation

Winter vacation season is upon us.  I'm just packing up to head on my vacation tonight (don't worry I'll still be blogging).  Here's a little peek at some of what I'm taking along.  What are you bringing with you for winter vacation?


Unknown said...

Nice "collection" :) Mind me asking what are those bright yellow briefs on the right ?

Anonymous said...

This is looks like just one of my many underwear drawers...

UMan said...

Tigris - those are not actually briefs. They're trunks. They're made by 2eros. They're part of their Icon 3 collection. You can get them

Anonymous - this isn't even a fraction of one of my drawers.

Wil said...

@Uman - LOL! It's funny how the toughest part of packing for vacation is trying to figure out what the perfect mix of undies to take is.

UMan said...

Haha Wil. Such a true story.

Dr. NutHut said...

Awesome collection! We'll be waiting for the pictures of you in them on vacation :)

Unknown said...

my collection seems very dull now after seeing yours, i just always stick to white mostly.

UMan said...

Dr. NutHut - there's some pics of me in them on my Twitter.

Anthony - I'm a colorful guy, what can I say?