Today marks the second anniversary of Men's Underwear Blog. It seems like only yesterday that I was writing the
first post. But amazingly it was two years ago. I've come a long way since then and my knowledge has grown exponentially, hopefully yours has too. Thank you very much to all you dedicated readers who diligently read all my posts and write comments and take my recommendations seriously. I really enjoy all the emails I get and I would love to hear more from you , don't be shy, feel free to comment (there is always an anonymous option). In fact, there will be fun bonuses for those who comment and send emails, so now is the time to go back and comment on those entries that you didn't comment on before (make sure I have a way to contact you by email). As a thank you to all my readers, I am going to have some fun stuff going on throughout the next few months and I will be doing lots to make this blog more user friendly and fun. I will be blogging about the first fun thing in a few hours, so stay tuned.
In case you were wondering, the photo is just of some random underwear party. I thought it was fitting to celebrate the anniversary of an underwear blog.
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